
Showing posts from October, 2021


We all want to leave our impression on people we meet or interact with. Ever thought that people identify you based on the region you are born, how you live and also the languages you speak. Most of the time language could be one of the constraints while we are interacting with people from different regions. But communication actually needs no language. Communication is all about the vibes and energy that you generate within you.  Good communication is directly proportional to your ability to compromise. There would be very rare occasions where two people with different ideology or difference of opinion had a good discussion, it would always turn out into a debate. But as soon as one of them starts to agree with the other person the tone of the conversation will be smoother. The more you compromise, the more people love you. Your goodness will be treated as your weakness and it will be considered that you are gullible. There is always a threshold for everything, one fine day you might