
 During the most difficult times, I feel a small ray of hope, or the realisation that there is something much much bigger than our tiny self exists and he is going to pull us out from this mess, is the constant food for life. You die when your hopes die, sometime in reality and sometimes metaforically. 

It's easy to click pictures with rural background and smiling faces and calling ourselves as social workers whereas it is so much more difficult to live that life. You know the pain behind their smile and hard work behind those green lands and difficulties in those remoteness. 

A urban planner by education and a development sector professional had to deal with the pandemic like every other person. No, I didn't suffer from covid yet, but I saw the pain that the poor people had to go through during the unending lockdowns. There are Times you decide who will get a pack of food today and who can wait, are you god, NO. Desperate situations helpless solutions. For people who don't know how a NGO functions, I will just give out a brief idea, NGOs are funded by different funders and the funding is not constant, it's random. So "money saved is money earned" this concept can be followed here. 

While reaching out to people for supplying food, we had to do a priority analysis, that if you have food for next 2-3 days, please wait till we supply to people who have not eaten for last few days. You will be supplied with ration in next 2-3 days. 

Each day there was a hope that today will be a better day, today we might get more funds and we are able to feed more mouths. This hope kept all of us alive throughout. 

Working hours were more than 16-17 hours everyday, tireless and selfless we kept on trying to reach out more and more. It was difficult to swallow my meals knowing I couldn't help so many people, so many children slept hungry. But if I am not well, I can't reach out to anyone at all. The number of people in distress was so huge and helping hands were very few and funding agencies were fewer. 

A sense of satisfaction of helping many and sense of helplessness of not being able to help many, worked hand in hand . Months passed by and people forgot their agony, but the truth will always remain in time and space and remind us of all the hardships people have faced. Some died on the streets, some on the railway station, and we were striking the perfect balance between life and death, some physically and some emotionally.


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