
 A set retirement age of 60 years is a norm that has been developed to ease out people's live in general. But certainly there are people who could be benefitted from an early retirement age. 

Retirement is all about having a normal life at old age. As we hear a lot nowadays that age is just a number, it is not exactly that for our body. Once we start ageing , things that were once easy to do could be very difficult or sometimes impossible to acheive at all. At times along with body , our mind also starts to function less than before. So, the standard retirement age can be too late for many. At rare cases, some people who are very active even after 60 years of age, will still be in a position to work.For example people engaged in sports activities might retire from their careers and still be working as coaches. 

Early age retirement option would be a boon for people with poor health, and also for people who have to do a lot of physically exhausting work. For people who work as labours or have to do a lot of manual weight lifting, and also people who have to work at very extreme weather conditions can be benefitted from an early retirement options. 

Retirement is a choice, the option that one has to choose according to their heart's desire. Our work keeps us busy all day and also gives us a reason to look forward. So, once we plan to retire, we also need to figure out what we are going to do in our coming days. Thinking about the depth of the decision, we need to opt for standard or early retirement.


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