
Showing posts from January, 2019


When your man understands the hierarchy really well, and you somehow fit in the last priority, it's you who should understand that you will be always less valued. No matter how strongly you hold his back, no matter how many hardships you face together, you will be forgotten at good times.  You can't explain you are hurt, because it will be taken up for an excuse of not trying for a solution. Is my emotion, not even worth a hear out? It kept ringing in her mind. Her whole existence now became questionable. Is it really very difficult to understand love or is it easy for him to blame that you are wrong, to be precise, wrong every single time-no matter what. The phone rings and interrupts him during a gala time, her voice shievers from the otherside, " you don't even have a minute for me?" A calm voice, unaffected by her teary voice, said " you are always there in my mind". He was calmer than ever, as if he is hiding a whole world of secr

I understand you

It is said you grow everyday, you learn new things and its always one step ahead. But what if you feel that you are learning the old things again and again. Rather i put it in a more simpler way, that you have never learned anything completely. Does it make you feel horrified or does it make you feel more hopeful? "Nobody understands me", that's what he told her in agony. She kept thinking... Do you?? Do you ever try to understand me, or you are just too busy to think about your weak self. Is it not normal for me to have a weaker side too. To break down at stages, and then deserve to be lifted  up by a strong man. Or is it just about you and your weak side that needs pampering. " I understand you love" faded somewhere in silence.


Going back to square one is the worst thing a person can experience.. It's like failure in literal terms,could be so demoralising,hurting and could also make you lose the whole reason of your existence. But only if you see the other side of the coin, you could understand it makes all sense.. Like it is what you are in real.. Maybe you are just done pretending to the world for what you are not and what you want the world to perceive of you. The point here which keeps bothering me is, is it necessary for the world to accept you, can you just not be yourself... The imperfect you.. The real you.. The one who cannot deal with emotional turmoils.. Who breaks down and behaves erratically.. Who Could not be like all the other people in this world. Is it ok to just be in your own world.. Just you and your silence .. Where you do not need to explain yourself.. Where you are not  answerable to anyone not even to yourself.. Where your mind can enjoy the absolute bliss of calmness. Is it ok