

  Accepting ourselves for what we are is always very difficult as we all have this beautiful image of our own self. So, when we take a conscious choice to pause our over speeding life and look inside us, we realize our self worth.  The more we look for validation from others the more it becomes hard to put up with bad behaviours and ego. It's hurts, it makes you cry and seems like there is no end to this sadness. Helplessness surrounds you and only loneliness gives you company, where you can barely feel anything. You so want to cry out loud right now, loud enough to shut all the noises in your brain, but then you know it's not possible  Sometimes people get stuck is an unending phase of tolerance with a hope that there will be a "better moment" in the "next moment".  I wish surreal reality was the only reality 


 A set retirement age of 60 years is a norm that has been developed to ease out people's live in general. But certainly there are people who could be benefitted from an early retirement age.  Retirement is all about having a normal life at old age. As we hear a lot nowadays that age is just a number, it is not exactly that for our body. Once we start ageing , things that were once easy to do could be very difficult or sometimes impossible to acheive at all. At times along with body , our mind also starts to function less than before. So, the standard retirement age can be too late for many. At rare cases, some people who are very active even after 60 years of age, will still be in a position to work.For example people engaged in sports activities might retire from their careers and still be working as coaches.  Early age retirement option would be a boon for people with poor health, and also for people who have to do a lot of physically exhausting work. For people who work as labou


We all want to leave our impression on people we meet or interact with. Ever thought that people identify you based on the region you are born, how you live and also the languages you speak. Most of the time language could be one of the constraints while we are interacting with people from different regions. But communication actually needs no language. Communication is all about the vibes and energy that you generate within you.  Good communication is directly proportional to your ability to compromise. There would be very rare occasions where two people with different ideology or difference of opinion had a good discussion, it would always turn out into a debate. But as soon as one of them starts to agree with the other person the tone of the conversation will be smoother. The more you compromise, the more people love you. Your goodness will be treated as your weakness and it will be considered that you are gullible. There is always a threshold for everything, one fine day you might

Don't Know

 Some days are really peaceful, not because of any particular reason. They are peaceful because your are able to enjoy the moment as it is. It's all about how you are perceiving all the events of the day that makes you experience the true essence of calmness inside you.  I was always fond of glow worms, one of the most mesmerizing moments of my childhood is when the garden used to be filled with glow worms in the night. It always felt, as if a bunch of stars just came down on the ground. I lost this experience to growing up, the more number of years I added on to my age, more the priorities of life shifted to things which were superficial. It's gets dark everyday even now, I take out sometime to sit on the water tank of my 24 storey apartment. The horizon of the city keeps glowing with light, as if millions of glow worms are marching all around. The mind keeps on asking which was better? The glow worms, the smell of fresh flowers, the cold breeze or the city lights and the fast

Just Smile

No matter what, just smile. The mother told this to her little girl. The girl started crying louder and louder after listening to this. Agreed, she was too young to understand the depth of the saying.  Years passed and her mother's saying started to ring in her ears again and again. It started to make so much sense to her.  Nobody likes to be there with you when you are crying, it's a difficult thing to handle. Not all have that strength. Your tears are taken as a sign of weakness, which very few know is actually a symbol of bravery. It takes enough guts to cry out, to be oblivious of what the entire world will think about you, to accept yourself for who you are. I really don't know in which world are we living in, where we learn to tame a entire tsunami of emotions and portray a calm, contend and fake smile. Smile, thats when you will be accepted by others.


एहसास हूँ मैं, रहने दो अपने साथ गुज़र तोह वक़्त भी जाता है, न ढलने दो दिन के साथ थोड़ा मैंने थोड़ा तुमने, जो सीचा है एक एक पल ठहर जाने दो उन लम्हों को, रहने दो माथे पे दाग यह लाल कुछ तुम देखो कुछ हम देखे, खो जाने दो लफ़्ज़ों को आज हाथों में यह हाथ रहे, ऐसा हो रिश्तों का साज़ एहसास हूँ मैं, रहने दो अपने साथ गुज़र तोह वक़्त भी जाता है, न ढलने दो दिन के साथ


  Life is so vast and dreams are too many. Ever realised that you are always short of something? Before we could even appreciate what we have, we crib for something more. Something for the future is a constant, while been unaware of even the next moment or the nearest future. When you think you have enough to give out only to realise that you are exhausted and you need replenishment, is that moment of truth that awakes you from the dream of a perfect relationship. There is no perfect relationship, it is that one person with a lot of imperfections, who makes it perfect. There is always more expectation from that person to give more and more every passing day with no or negligible recognition for the contributions. The surreal illusions of the future over powers the beauty of the present.